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Give a Pint, Save a Life March 3

Grand Central Park - Give a Pint, Save a Life March 3

February 04, 2022

Did you know that one in seven individuals will need a blood transfusion in their lifetime? Sadly, only one in 20 eligible blood donors will answer the call. That hero can be you when you participate in the Grand Central Park Blood Drive from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Thursday, March 3.

Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center will be at The Lake House, 1039 Lake House Drive, to accept your life-saving donation. You must be at least 17 years old and 110 pounds to donate. Those who are age 16 can donate with parental consent. You must be in general good health without cold or flu symptoms. Please present a valid picture ID prior to donating. 

Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center needs 1,000 donations every day of the year to serve patients in our community. Your donation can save up to three lives as a whole blood donation can be divided into three components — red blood cells, plasma and platelets.

Red blood cells are used for trauma patients but are also used to treat cancer patients and are provided during surgery. Plasma replaces fluids in burn victims and trauma patients. Platelets help cancer and bone marrow transplant patients recover.

Remember, give a pint, save a life. Sign up today.