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Johnson Development Wins Best Place for Working Parents Honor

Johnson Development Wins Best Place for Working Parents Honor

April 01, 2022

Johnson Development is committed to creating master-planned communities where individuals and families can thrive. And the company carries that same commitment through to its workplace, having just received a 2022 Best Place for Working Parents® designation.

Johnson Development has a culture of flexibility, which makes it possible for employees to more easily balance family and work, fulfilling both their family and work obligations. When employees are unable to find day care, employees can bring their children to work, and a conference room is staged as a temporary day care. Nursing mothers have offices with locks to they can privately nurse or express milk without interruptions.

And the concept of “family” goes beyond the two-legged variety. It’s not unusual to find a dog sitting quietly in an office corner. In fact, our Realtor Relations Extraordinaire Tammy McCall travels with her dog Chance to sales offices — he just might be more popular than she is (if that’s possible!).

Johnson Development also has generous parental leave benefits, a paid time off program, health care coverage, company holidays and the ability for employees to work remotely when needed — all important considerations for working mothers and fathers, says the Best Places for Working Parents organization.

According to the organization, family-friendly workplaces win when it comes to revenue growth, employee retention, productivity, innovation, resilience, agility, customer service and employee engagement. Flexible work hours, working remotely and parental leave all factor into employee retention and productivity. Other family-friendly policies the organization endorses are company-paid health care coverage, paid time off, nursing benefits, on-site child care, child care assistance and back-up child care.

While these kinds of policies have been part of the Johnson Development’s benefits package for years, we’re glad to see organizations like Best Place for Working Parents help companies realize that family-friendly and business-friendly can go hand-in-hand.