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Making the Move with Your Pets

Edgewater - Making the Move with Your Pets

September 07, 2022

If you think moving is stressful, think how your pet feels. They don’t understand that your beautiful new Edgewater home is perfect for you. They just know they are losing their favorite window to sun in and territory to sniff. If you’ve never moved with pets, here are some tips for getting them successfully settled into their new home.

Visit Their New Neighborhood

While your Edgewater home is being built, take your pooch for walks around their new neighborhood. Doing so will familiarize them with their new territory and lessen the shock. If your new neighborhood has a dog park (like Edgewater) see if you can use it. Your pup might even make new friends.

Take a Trip to the Vet

Dogs and cats should pay a visit to their pet doctor. If you think your pet might be extremely stressed the day of the move, the vet can prescribe something to help them relax. If you are moving to a new city or state, your current vet might be able to recommend a new one. If you are switching vets, make sure to get copies of all your pet’s medical records.

Update Your Tags

Before you move update your pets’ tags with your new address in case they wander off. Cats often try to get back to their old home. Update your pet's microchip data. Be sure your pets’ tags have your cell phone number on them. That way, if your lost pet is found, you can be easily contacted.

Treat Them Like Children

Your fur baby understands more than you think. Talk to them about the move. They won’t understand your words. They will understand your tone of voice and excitement. Boxes alone won’t excite them (except maybe your cats who will think you bought them a personal playground). Packing those boxes will. Don’t pack their bed, favorite toys or food dishes until the day of the move.

Moving Day

Try to keep your pets to their regular routine. Feed and walk them at the usual time. Open front doors are a recipe for disaster. Ask a friend if your pets can stay with them. If not, it might be worth it to have them boarded for a day or two. If you can’t do either, place your pet in a room away from the hustle and bustle until it’s time to leave.

Pack a Doggy Bag

Remember those things we told you not to pack? Put them in a to-go bag. You don’t want to be searching through boxes for your pets’ food, favorite blanket, water dish, leash or toys once you move in.

After the Move

Don’t be surprised if it takes a while for your pet to adjust to its new quarters. Dogs love exploring new places, but they will become confused if they aren’t taken back to their old home. You may need to add additional walks and play times. Cats should be placed in one room with their things. Let them out to explore the next day. If you have an outdoor cat, wait a few days or even a few weeks before letting them outside. If you can, take a few days off work to spend time with your pet. Pets need reassurance that you won’t abandon them in this strange new place.