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Take Your Heart of Gold for a Stroll Sept. 17

Sienna - Take Your Heart of Gold for a Stroll Sept. 17

September 10, 2022

A simple walk around Sienna will help shine a light on childhood cancer during Gold Stroll Sienna beginning at 8:30 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 17, at Sawmill Lake Club, 10373 Mount Logan.

The event benefits A Shelter for Cancer. The non-profit — co-founded by Sienna resident Missy Bellinger and staffed largely by Sienna residents — provides free tangible support in the Texas Medical Center to families affected by cancer. Support is based on their needs, regardless of age, cancer type, treatment status or income.

Everyone is invited to lace up their shoes and walk the Golden Mile. Afterward, DJ Ric will spin some tunes while everyone enjoys family-friendly activities. Strolling is not required to participate. You can just come for the fun! Food vendors will be on hand to feed hungry attendees. A portion of their proceeds will be donated to A Shelter for Cancer.

All attendees will receive a ticket for a chance to win prizes, including five seats in the Houston Astros Insperity Club, four tickets to a Houston Dash regular season game, four 100 level regular season tickets to a University of Houston football game and four Cougar golf shirts, a gift bag with goodies for from Griffin & Grace and Chick-Fil-A Sienna Crossing gift cards. No purchase is necessary to win.

The Gold Stroll is one of many events being held during A Shelter for Cancer’s annual Hearts of Gold campaign. The fundraiser takes place throughout the month of September with the goal of raising awareness and funds to help serve families whose children are undergoing treatment for cancer.

For more ways to be involved, check out the Hearts of Gold main page.