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This Month on the Farm

Harvest Green - This Month on the Farm

January 30, 2023

There’s always something happening at the Village Farm. New crops planted, produce harvested, updates on the farmers market and more. Curious? We know you are. Which is why we’re going to recap the highlights. Check back here each month to see what’s been “growing” on. If you want to do a deeper dive, check out our farm blog.

Farmers Market

The farmers market shifted to winter hours this month. The new hours are 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays, rain or shine. You’ll still be able to pick up seasonal produce and your favorite artisanal foods — just an hour later. Check out the Village Farm Instagram to find out which vendors will be setting up shop.

Tour the Farm

Wonder what a working farm looks like? Our Farm Educator-led Farm Tours teach you everything you want to know. Tours take place 1:30 to 2 p.m. on the last Sunday of the month. Next month, the tour will be Feb. 26. Tickets are limited and go fast.

Love birds? A lot of them make their home in our community. You can sign up for a Bird Walk to learn more. February Bird Walks are 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Sundays, Feb. 5 and 19.

Chicken Watch

Last September we welcomed new baby chicks to the farm. They are now 4.5 months old, fully feathered and have just started laying eggs. We are so excited!

What’s Growing On

Freezes aren’t good for crops ,and the last freeze resulted in some losses. The good news is Farm Educators were able to plant seven new rows of winter crops, including broccoli, cauliflower, Swiss chard and kale. Luckily, the spinach did well, and they were able to harvest it. The new winter crops were planted in northern rows to leave room for our favorite crop — tomatoes!

Farm Educators germinated tomato seeds in our greenhouse the first week of January. This year, they will be growing cherry and slicer tomatoes as well as varieties used for tomato paste and sauces. They will be growing favorites like Granadero and Sungold but will also be experimenting with some new varieties. We’re looking forward to trying the “black strawberry.” It yields cocktail-sized tomatoes that are mottled with hues of scarlet, gold and purple and have a flavor that hints of grape and plum.

And that’s it for farm watch. Check back next month for updates on our tomatoes, farm animals and more!