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Riverstone Plans Blood Drive for Feb. 11

Riverstone - Riverstone Plans Blood Drive for Feb. 11

February 09, 2012

Riverstone is again opening its doors to people wanting to give the “gift of life” in a blood drive planned for 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Feb. 11.

The Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center will have a donation bus parked at the Creekstone Village Recreation Center to accept donations. Snacks will be provided and each donor will receive a special gift of their own — a hooded sweatshirt.

Blood donations help a variety of individuals, including trauma victims, premature babies, cancer patients and others. Donors must be at least 17 years old and weigh at least 110 pounds. Sixteen-year-olds can donate with parental consent, but must weight at least 122 pounds. People donating should drink plenty of fluids one to two hours before donating. According to the blood center’s website, blood types O negative, A negative and B negative and B positive have dropped to a one-day supply in the Houston area.

People interested can pre-register to donate by emailing lifestyledirector@riverstone.com.