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Imperial - Family Farmers, Dairy Operators To Showcase Goods at Farmers Market at Imperial

September 16, 2011

The list of vendors for the upcoming Farmers Market at Imperial, now certified by the Texas Department of Agriculture, continues to grow as family farmers, dairy operators, sauce makers and more sign up to showcase their fresh-from-the-field produce and other fine foods when the event opens Saturday, October 1.

Presented by the Fort Bend Chamber of Commerce, the all-new Farmers Market at Imperial will be held Saturdays from 9 am – 1 pm through December 10 under a massive, covered pavilion at Highway 90 and Ulrich Street in front of the Imperial Sugar silos and historic Char House.

Vendors currently scheduled for the Farmers Market at Imperial include Pavlock Farms with its rich, Fort Bend County heritage of family farming and fresh produce and pecans from Fort Bend County native and farmer Tim Schumann; and Secret Garden with its selection of Oriental vegetables, grown and cultivated in Richmond. Epps Family Planters will present its heritage pork and all-natural produce and blackberries; Proverbs Farm & Dairy of Alvin will have its unique line of soaps and fresh cheeses; and Texas Olive Ranch will present its 100-percent pure Texas-flavored olive oils and balsamic vinegar.

Shoppers will have the opportunity to select from Italian specialty foods made from the century-old recipes of the Marchese Sausage Company of Houston; all-natural, locally raised products from Georgia’s Grass-Fed Beef; wheatgrass and fresh sprouts from Grass on the Go; gourmet coffee, gelato bars and smoothie bars from Grizzaffi Coffee; luscious, gourmet cakes and pies from JS Desserts, jarred sauces for every taste from Momma Nats Slammin Sauce; and gourmet spice blends, seasonings and snacks from Lady Savory Spices.

Angela’s Oven will showcase its artisan breads, pastries and cakes while the mother-and-daughter team from Pampered Sisters will present its hand-poured candles and homemade soaps and baths. 

Still haven’t found what you’re looking for? Stop by the John Henry Products booth for its unique spices, rubs and sauces.  Check out the vegan-baked goods from Sinfull Bakery or pick up some organic dog treats and cat toys for your four-legged friends from BarkyDogZ.

Visitors also will enjoy live music sponsored by Meritage Homes, America’s Green Builder, cooking demonstrations by area chefs, children’s activities and appearances by the Sugar Land Skeeters, turning this traditional Farmers Market into a festival of food and fun.  A select group of artisans and craftsmen also will be featured with gift items for sale just in time for the holiday season.   Plus, the first 100 shoppers on October 1, opening day of the Farmers Market at Imperial, will receive free Farmers Market shopping bags.

Farmers Market at Imperial is sponsored by Enchanted Nurseries & Landscapes, two family-owned and operated plant nurseries in Richmond, St. Luke’s Sugar Land Hospital and Silverstream Southwest & Associates which focuses on the design and supply of kitchen equipment for the restaurant industry.

The event has been certified by the Texas Department of Agriculture.  To earn certification, the farmers market may have conventional or organic fruits and vegetables available and must have a majority of its vendors as growers or producers.

Vendors interested in participating in the Farmers Market at Imperial should contact Gail Best at gail@fortbendcc.org and (281) 491-0800 or Mary Von Tungeln at imperialfarmersmarket@gmail.com and (281) 566-2160. Additional sponsorship opportunities are also available.

Imperial Sugar Land’s park-like setting, with picnic tables under sprawling oak trees, allows visitors to enjoy their locally grown food purchases while gathering with friends neighbors. Enjoy on-site, read-to-eat items from a variety of vendors including Berryhill, Grande Tamales and Teresitas Café and Keba Hut. Plus, free, on-site parking provides easy access to the market.

Stay up to date as new vendors are added by visiting www.ImperialSugarLand.com/FarmersMarket.