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Great News About SHSU

Grand Central Park - Great News About SHSU

April 16, 2024

From the first graduating class to a new state-of-the building, there’s great news coming out of the SHSU College of Osteopathic Medicine located in Grand Central Park.

Dr. Alisa White was the guest speaker at our annual HOA meeting, sharing information with our residents that included the exciting news that the college was granted “Accreditation with Exceptional Outcomes” by the Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA). This is the highest level of achievement possible.

In May, the campus will be graduating its first class of doctors. The passing rate for graduates was 97.5 percent which is 3 percent higher than the national average. In March the campus celebrated its first Match Day. This is a national event where student doctors simultaneously open envelopes or emails to learn their residency assignments for the final phase of their training in their chosen specialty.

Nationally, more than 40,000 residency training jobs were projected to be filled this year. Of this year’s graduating class, 99 percent of the students were matched. The national average is 92 percent. Following graduation, students will complete three to five years of postgraduate training in their residency programs before becoming board-certified.

There is also a brand-new building on the horizon. This summer, SHSU will begin construction on an 85,000- square-foot Health Professions Building adjacent to the College of Osteopathic Medicine. Set to cost an estimated $70 million, it will serve as a hub for the school’s allied health programs, including athletic training, dietetics, physician’s assistant and physical therapy. The Master of Science programs in athletic training and dietetics will relocate from Huntsville.

Features of the new building will include skills labs, collaborative classrooms, exam rooms and a demo kitchen. Exterior spaces will extend the learning environment outdoors, including an outdoor fitness area for the physical therapy gym. A campus library, food pantry and various student services are also planned.

The SHSU College of Osteopathic Medicine’s Physicians Clinic may be moving to Marcel Boulevard. Last year the Texas State University System Board of Regents gave consent for the lease of 12,142 square feet of space in Marcel Boulevard for the clinic. We will keep you updated as to the opening date.

We would like to congratulate the 2024 graduating class and wish them well on their residency programs. We are looking forward to watching the campus expand, grow and work to meet the health care needs of patients everywhere.