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Move Over, ChatGPT — We Have Sophia

Sienna - Move Over, ChatGPT — We Have Sophia

December 20, 2024

The Sienna Associations are embracing AI to better serve residents, recently introducing “Sophia” to the community.

The new AI assistant makes her home on Siennanet.com, a website that provides a vast amount of resources to residents, including news on classes and events, operating hours for pools and fitness centers, contact information and much more.

Association staff are available to answer questions during regular operating hours Monday through Friday, but Sophia is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week — even on holidays. With a few taps on the keyboard, Sophia can provide information on:

  • The Association — assessments, board of directors, departments, forms, modifications procedures and all governing documents and polices
  • The Community — amenity details, events and recreational programming, the monthly newsletter and miscellaneous topics
  • Owner Specifics — resident IDs and owner portals

If Sophia can’t answer a question, she’ll notify an association team member on your behalf.

Siennanet and Sophia aren’t the only online tools that helps residents fully access all that Sienna has to offer. There’s also an app residents can download to their phones that provides a quick snapshot of upcoming activities and an overview of Sienna parks and other amenities. The app also serves as a resident’s amenity access credential.

Report It is an app that lets residents submit deed restriction issues, association maintenance issues and landscape concerns. The tool allows residents to communicate concerns or give suggestions anonymously and confidentially to association staff.

Siennarec.com is a dedicated website that lists the many classes, camps and youth and adult sports leagues. Residents can register and pay for classes, leagues or any activities requiring a fee. There’s also information on pools and racquet sports.

These technological advances are another way life is easy in Sienna! Want to join in on the fun? Our builders have more than 100 available homes — including some ready for immediate move-in!