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CCR Photo Contest!

Cross Creek Ranch - CCR Photo Contest!

March 22, 2012

 A beautiful community equals beautiful pictures. Email me (crosscreekranchmike@gmail.com) your favorite photograph until (tomorrow) Friday, March 23rd, at 5:00pm. It can be new or old. Send me a picture of the nature that surrounds us within the Cross Creek Ranch neighborhood. It can be birds, ducks, flowers, sunsets, trees, you name it. Just something outside that shows off our community and the beautiful nature that surrounds us.

Once the pictures have been received, I will place them under a photo album on the Facebook page to let other fans of Cross Creek Ranch vote for the winner. Once the contest ends, the winner receives a new, high end Samsung 12.2 megapixel compact digital camera!

Email the photos directly to crosscreekranchmike@gmail.com Tell your friends to become fans of Cross Creek Ranch (www.facebook.com/crosscreektexas) so they can start voting and seeing what a wonderful community CCR is. Who knows, maybe your Facebook friends will become your neighbors after seeing everything Cross Creek Ranch has to offer.