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Empowering Realtors: Safety

Empowering Realtors: Safety

July 09, 2024

Meeting with strangers, going unaccompanied into an empty home, driving through unfamiliar areas — it’s enough to make even the most seasoned Realtor a little nervous.

Knowing this, Realtor Relations Liaison Monica Conchola often hosts safety classes for real estate agents — including the recent Strong in Mind, Strong in Body self-defense class at Premier Martial Arts in Woodforest. During the class, Realtors learned self-awareness, self-defense, how to recognize a problem before it happens and how to stop a confrontation.

Space was limited, so if you couldn’t attend this confidence-building session, we have some tips on how to avoid unwanted encounters:

Showing Properties

Showing a home is something real estate agents do day in and day out, and it’s easy to become complacent. Don’t. Always let someone know where you are going and when you think you might be back. It’s a good idea to also give someone the name and contact information of the client you are meeting.

Try to avoid showing homes in the dark. If you must — especially when dusk happens early in the year — turn on all the lights as you walk through or ask the selling agent to turn them on for you before you arrive.

When walking your client through the home, always let them go first. You can let them explore or give them directions from slightly behind them. Let clients go into small spaces by themselves while you wait in the hallway or another room.


Just like when you are in a mall parking lot, carefully consider where you park and how you get in and out of the car. Park on the street rather than the driveway to avoid getting blocked in. And if you do have to make a quick getaway, you’ll garner more notice from neighbors loudly running down the driveway to your car.

If you carry a purse, leave it locked in the trunk. Plus avoid wearing expensive jewelry or watches. When walking back to your car alone after an open house or showing, consider making a phone call. Assailants are less likely to attack someone on the phone. Make sure your phone is fully charged.

When getting out of or into your car, pay attention to the surrounding area. Don’t be distracted by making sure you have all your paperwork, keys, phone, etc.

A Few More

Perhaps the most important tip we can share is to be aware. What people are in the neighborhood? Is anyone loitering? Does it seem unusually quiet? Are there places people can hide near you? Is the property open when it should have been locked or does it show signs of unauthorized occupation? When closing up an open house, check to ensure everyone has left.

It is extremely unlikely a Realtor will be threatened or attacked during a showing or open house, but the likelihood is even less if that Realtor is prepared. We hope you find these tips helpful. Watch for future safety classes that will offer up more information.